Friday 4 July 2008

Skin Care regimen

Natural skin care is the care of the skin (the largest organ of the body) using naturally-derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential, natural substances, etc).
The classic definition of natural skin care is based on using botanically sourced ingredients currently existing in or formed by nature, without the use of synthetic chemicals, and manufactured in such a way to preserve the integrity of the ingredients. As a result of this definition, many people who use natural skin care products, generally make their own products at home from naturally occurring ingredients. There are five basic skin care types: Oily, combination, sensitive, dry and sun-damaged. Your skin type is determined by how much -- or how little -- oil your skin produces. Genes, diet, stress level, medication and even your skin care regimen all determine how much oil your skin produces.

Multi-vitamins, Fish Oil, and Vitamin E are great for healing dry skin. Some people swear by Flax Seed Oil instead of Fish Oil. The fatty acids found in both of these supplements are beneficial to not only skin, but other body functions as well. A lack of Vitamin E in your diet can directly lead to dry skin.

1. On the cheap to start you can make your own natural scrub just blend a little sugar and olive oil together and leave for 5 minutes than rinse with warm water, your skin will be smooth for days. Do this at least once a week.
2. Take a 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 Tsp. of olive oil and 1 Tbsp. of any extract (vanilla or mint). Mix all ingredients, wet your skin, massage the scrub into your skin, leave for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
3. It's common for red bumbs to happen after starting new skin care treatments/facial. The cleansing actually brings the impurities to the surface. It might be a problem at first, but keep it up.They will go away. This is why they always tell brides not to have facials too soon before the wedding.
4. Put a little toothpaste on any acne you may have right before you go to bed and sleep with it on.
5. try doing a simple avacado mask: 1-2 pulps of an avacado mush em up! then apply evenly on the face wash off after 15-20 minutes
6. Age Spot remover 1 slightly beaten egg white, 1 tablespoon fine sugar, 1 table spoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide. Mix. Pat onto those spots and let it dry, do this remedy frequently to remove them.
7. Tea and beer improve the look of the hair and are easy to do. Begin by boiling two servings of tea leaves either loose or by opening two tea bags and placing the contents in the pot. strain the leaves from the liquid and allow it to cool. apply to hair as a rinse after shampooing and gently comb the tea through the hair for a minute or two. rinse lightly and then style your hair as normal.
8. Try 1/2 cup of honey with two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well and massage into hair. Cover it with a shower cap for 30 mins. Shampoo and rinse well hair will be silky smooth and shiny.
9. Vinegar and mayonaise does make your hair shine. I wouldn't use honey on my hair thoughFree Reprint Articles, just because it might be hard to get out. You can use honey as a mask on your face though!
10. Apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to damp hair. Work into hair and then cover with a shower cap or towel for up to 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and then shampoo as usual.
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Saturday 28 June 2008

Skin Care: Acne skin care

Acne is defined as a diseased condition of the skin that involves the hair and oil glands. It is characterised by pimples, black/white heads, reddishness and

cysts. Face acne can spoil your appearance to a great extent and body acne can really ruin your day by making you very uncomfortable. Considering acne

as a minor problem, some people tend to totally discard the topic of ‘Acne skin care’. However, the importance of ‘Acne skin care’ cannot be undermined in

any way.
Acne is defined as a diseased condition of the skin that involves the hair and oil glands. It is characterised by pimples, black/white heads, reddishness and

cysts. Face acne can spoil your appearance to a great extent and body acne can really ruin your day by making you very uncomfortable. Considering acne

as a minor problem, some people tend to totally discard the topic of ‘Acne skin care’. However, the importance of ‘Acne skin care’ cannot be undermined in

any way. Acne skin care should really start much before the acne actually appears. ‘Acne skin care’ is more about being proactive than reactive. Acne skin

care is about being aware of preventive measures. Acne skin care is - following daily skin care routines with complete discipline. So let’s have a look at how

‘acne skin care’ can be applied to our daily routine.‘Acne skin care’ starts with the most basic thing - cleanliness. So morning showers are the most basic way

of keeping the skin clean. In fact, a lot of people take night showers too (that not only helps in keeping your skin clean but also provides relaxation to your

body and enables a good sleep). If you are living in a hot and/or humid place, a night shower becomes a must. In fact, a shower is recommended after any

activity that causes high levels of sweat to develop. It’s a very effective ‘acne skin care’ technique. However, acne skin care is not about just showers. Acne

skin care is also about wearing clean clothes and sleeping on clean pillows. Moreover, too tight clothes can cause sweat to accumulate quickly; so soft and

comfortable cotton clothes are recommended, especially if you already have acne. In the same sense, ‘acne skin care’ also advocates regular cleaning of

your make-up brush and any equipment that you use on your body. Besides that, you should also use a mild, water-soluble, oil-free and soap-free cleanser

for keeping your face, neck and arms clean. Cleansing is the most important part of any acne skin care routine. Cleaners are the easiest and the most

effective way of removing dirt, grease, pollutants and excess oil from your skin; thus reducing the probability of acne occurrence. Acne skin care also

recommends removing your make up using a make up remover, and this should happen before you go to bed (not in the morning).If you already have acne,

do not try to touch them or squeeze them; it can lead to permanent scars. ‘Acne skin care’ advocates gentle cleansing and cleaning of the affected area

using an over-the-counter medication and a clean/soft cotton pad. There are various acne skin care creams and lotions available over-the-counter (a lot of

these acne skin care products are actually cleansers). However, if these ‘acne skin care’ measures don’t give you the desired resultsPsychology Articles,

contact a dermatologist for ‘acne skin care’ advice and treatment.

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What is Natural skin care?

Put simply, ‘natural skin care’ is caring for your skin in a natural and chemical-free way. ‘Natural skin care’ advocates enabling the skin to take care of itself

(without any assistance from synthetic materials/ chemicals). ‘Natural skin care’ is about inculcation of good habits in the way you lead your day to day life. A

lot of natural skin care measures are actually the same as those for body care in general.
Put simply, ‘natural skin care’ is caring for your skin in a natural and chemical-free way. ‘Natural skin care’ advocates enabling the skin to take care of itself

(without any assistance from synthetic materials/ chemicals). ‘Natural skin care’ is about inculcation of good habits in the way you lead your day to day life. A

lot of natural skin care measures are actually the same as those for body care in general. So let’s see what these natural skin care measures are. Well the

first and the foremost natural skin care measure is – ‘Drink a lot of water’. Around 8 glasses of water is a must everyday. Water helps in flushing out the toxins

from the body, in a natural way. It helps in the overall upkeep of the body and promotes good health for all organs (not just skin). General cleanliness is

another inexpensive way of natural skin care. Daily shower, wearing clean clothes and sleeping on a clean mattress/pillow are all part of general cleanliness.

After all, clean skin is the key to keeping the skin disorders at bay. Regular exercise is the next thing on the cards. Exercise increases the flow of blood that

helps in getting rid of body toxins and keeping you healthy. Exercise also helps in beating stress which is the worst enemy of good health. Healthy food and

eating habits are also recommended for natural skin care. Some type of food (e.g. oily food) is know to cause acne and should be avoided as much as

possible. Your diet should be a healthy mix of various nutrient providing foods. Raw fruits and vegetables are known to provide freshness to your body and

help in getting rid of body toxins.A good sleep is also instrumental in maintaining good health and in beating stress. As a natural skin care measure, a good

sleep delays slacking of skin. Beating stress is another natural skin care therapy. Stress causes overall damage to body and health. Drinking a lot of water,

getting a sound sleep and exercise has already been mentioned as stress busters. Indulging in a warm bubble bath, listening to music and playing your

favourite sport are also good ways of beating stress. Yoga is yet another way of beating stress; it is fast gaining popularity amongst the masses.Avoiding

excessive exposure to sun (by wearing long sleeved clothes, hat and umbrella etc), is another natural skin care strategy. Sunscreen lotions are also

recommended as necessary. A lot of traditional and home made natural skin care products/ measures are also known to be very effective. Such measures

are not only natural and easy-to-follow, but also relatively inexpensive.Besides that, a lot of natural skin care products are available in the commercial market.

These include things like lavender oil, aloe vera etc.Free Web Content, which don’t have any side effects.

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Natural Acne Skin Care Treatment

Acne can be treated in several ways including the use of acne products like cream, lotion, cleanser or by having recourse to natural acne skin care treatment methods which have proven to work effectively. These methods are safe and reliable. Sometimes what might not be safe in some acne products is the use of chemical components which can have side effects on your skin like allergies, reddish and itchy skin. These can just worsen your acne.

Nature in itself is healing and can purify our body and this is why natural acne skin care therapies are highly recommended. Among them, you have green tea, aloe vera, basil, turmeric which are acne healers. Also available are products which contain natural ingredients to cure acne.

Aloe vera for instance are sold as creams and are very refreshing for the skin and will lessen the acne inflammation. You also have green tea acne cream which is an ideal candidate for getting rid of acne because the green tea extract has amazing healing benefits. It can also refine the pores. By using natural acne products, you will nourish your skin and make it less proned for acne. AlsoPsychology Articles, drinking green tea regularly has the potential to flush toxins from your body and reduce your acne as well.

One other alternative in using green tea is to boil green tea dried leaves which are usually of a brownish-black color. Then let the tea warm up a bit and take the tea to apply on your skin with a towel. Just tap on the affected areas for about 15 minutes everyday for at least 2 weeks. The longer the better. The temperature of the tea should preferably be between warm and hot.

So why not give natural acne skin care treatment a try? You have nothing to lose other than eliminating your acne. It's recommended that you consult a dermatologist first and seek his or her advice before following an acne skin care therapy.

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Friday 21 December 2007

Acne Skin Care Through Natural Herbs

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that can occur in any age but mostly in the period of puberty. This skin problem originates from the root of the hair follicles where they are associated with sebaceous glands. Such structures are called as pilosebaceous glands. When the blood circulating in these glands is impure, then it causes eruptions on the surface of the skin. These eruptions are commonly called as pimples or zits.

What are the causes of acne?

* Improper or faulty diet
* More sexual desires in adolescence
* Deficiency of vitamin A
* Menstrual problems, such as irregular or delayed periods

What should be the diet to cure acne?

* Eat green leafy vegetables. This will provide the cellulose for roughage, which takes care of proper movement of bowels
* Avoid spicy and sugary food. Keep your diet a perfect balance of foods with different tastes.
* Include fresh fruits in your diet. This will build up proper water content in your body, which will make the blood purer.
* Do not eat fatty, deep fried, high sugar content food and milk products
* Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily

Do's and don't for acne

* Protect the affected area from harmful rays of sun and also don't wash your face frequently and keep your skin dry.
* Prefer using mild natural cleanser for skin cleaning to prevent acne growth.
* Try to expose your skin to fresh air and sunlight. This will help in opening the pores on the skin and lead to better circulation
* Avoid any type of stress. Stress can release more hormones, which would exacerbate the acne. Do those activities only which you like most.

Acne skin care through home recipes

* Prepare a paste of orange peels and apply on the affected area.
* Squeeze indian plum or jambola in water and this paste must be applied on the affected part. This is more effective in the pimples that appear in early youth.
* You can also prepare a mixture of nutmeg and red sandalwood in water. Apply this mixture on the face.
* Prepare a paste of either turmeric and neem leaves or turmeric and sandalwood paste also gives relief from acne
* You can also apply grated potatoes on affected area to get relief from acne pain and inflammation.
* Apply garlic paste on the affected area. It will help the acne to dry living no scars.
* You can also boil tulasi (holy basil) leaves on water. Cool it and apply on effected area with cotton, it is beneficial for acne treatment

How ayurveda helps in acne cure?

There are few herbs that are found to be beneficial in the treatment of acne. They are:

* Mint leaves (Pudina): The leaves of pudina have good cooling properties, and are commonly used as anti-inflammatory agent.
* Papaya: It has excellent properties for reducing pimples by direct application on them.
* Turmeric (Haldi): It is also commonly used for all skin ailments, including psoriasis
* Sandalwood (Chandan): It has also very cooling effects and its mild fragrance brings freshness to the affected part. It purifies the blood and prevents further outbreaks of acne.
* Aloe vera: It takes care of marks left behind by acne that have dried away. It restores the former sheen of the skin.

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